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雅思口语话题——Describe a person who contributes to the society

2022-01-22 分类: 雅思 3 名老师参与回答 5260 人浏览


Dan老师 咨询老师




Describe a person who contributes to the society

You should say

Who this person is

How you knew him/her

What type of work he/she does

And explain why you think he/she contributes to the society

这个话题乍一看是可以和很多话题套题的,比如a businessman you admirea famous athlete等。



比如从一下职业入手:比如一些公众人物a country leader, a great scientist, a painter, a writer, a film director, a live streamer;或者一些素人a sanitation worker, a doctor, a teacher, one of my friends who usually does voluntary work等。




比如回答了主题who this person is之后,可以思考一下how you knew him/her what type of work he/she does是不是可以放到一个框架里面。


我建议在回答part2之前,先按照小问题整理出自己觉得合适的顺序来说,这样会避免一些句子之间衔接的突然和生硬。Work type的拓展如果只说是一个live streamer太宽泛,需要给出给多的细节让考官更有画面感。


最后一个重点问题要解释的是为什么李佳琦为社会做出了很多贡献。这里可以通过把society这个词分成不同的群体来分类。比如对manufactures, consumers, 以及对national revenue的贡献。





The person I’m going to talk about is Li Jiaqi, who is a renowned live streamer in China selling beauty products and I think he contributes a lot to the society.Who this person is


The first time I got to know him was going back to a couple of years ago when I was still a high school student. I watched his live stream by chance and was so amazed by his unique tones when he introduced those cosmetic products to customers. You know, he always uses rising tone to convince potential customers to snatch anything from lipsticks to foundation. His pet phrase “Oh, my god” is mimicked by a bunch of people who have watched his videos even just once. (How you knew him/her, what type of work he/she does)


Then, with regard to why I think he make a significant contribution to society, it’s mainly because he helps a bunch of manufactures to largely increase their sales and it thus increases the job opportunities afterwards. A huge number of workers have to be employed to manufacture those well-sold productsMeanwhile, as Li Jiaqi has become a household name in China, more people get to know the live stream industry as well as the high income people can get if they become an excellent live streamer. This is a definitely virgin field and has great influence to the society. By the way, as one of the super high earners, Li Jiaqi also makes a great contribution to the national revenue. (why you think he/she contributes to the society)


In a nutshell, he does make a great contribution to the society. That’s all what I want to share with you.



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