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2022-03-11 分类: 雅思 3 名老师参与回答 946 人浏览


Dan老师 咨询老师





Describe a happy event you organized

You should say:

What the event was

Where you had it

Who helped you to organized

And how you feel about it






throw a party 办派对;

a tiny European style canteen 小的欧式餐厅;

undergo lots of trouble 经历许多麻烦;

be grateful to 感激;

have a blast 玩得很开心;

highly praised it 高度赞扬。



1.What the event was




Although I never consider myself a successful event organizer, I like to plan these things. Today, I thought about at least one success I'd like to talk about. On January 26 last year, it was my father's 55th birthday. I needed to do something amazing for him.



2.Where you had it




The party was held in the college canteen. Earlier, it was planned to go out and celebrate the party, but due to the epidemic, I decided to borrow the college canteen. This is a tiny European style canteen. I chose it because it has a small garden outside where we can have a barbecue.



3.Who helped you to organized




Because I had to prepare many detailed things, my best friend Andy gave me his hand. It took us a few days to invite our classmates to have a good time after working hard for the whole semester. At first, I thought it would be difficult to make a fire because I didn't have any experience of lighting wood against strong winds from the sea. But I believe we can find a place to hold materials and tools.



4.And how you feel about it





The participants at the event highly praised it, and everyone was happy about the whole event. It was really an enjoyable party for all of us. Everyone in my class attended the party. Even the boy who did not attend classes for various excuses was also present on this day. We all made fun, had a barbecue together and shared our memories with the college.








I' d like to share an experience that happened last summer during which l organized a book exchange gathering.This event was mainly about sharing reading experiences and exchanging books that are worth reading among readers.So, it was kind of a combination of communication and trade.


Well, since it was during the Covid-19 period, l initially had a headache when choosing a proper place for this offlineevent. lt took me about two weeks to find an open area which was a basketball court for this activity as we all needed tofollow the rules on social distancing.Besides, this article is from Laokaoya website, l rented some desks and chairs from anearby primary school for participants to sit and place their carefully selected books on, and several big umbrellas in case itwould rain during that day.


l didn’t get enough financial support from sponsors to arrange other services like beverages and snacks for theparticipants.l was kind of worried that they might be upset with a lack of service like that. However it actually ended upbeing pretty successful.


Well, l think the main reason why it succeeded was that the book event met the needs of the readers whose biggest wishwas to get some valuable books and to meet new friends.














Part 3 追加问题

(1)How can parents help children to be organized?

(2)On what occasions do people need to be organized?

(3)Does everything need to be well prepared?

(4)Do people need others’help when organizing things?




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