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2021-11-11 分类: 雅思 3 名老师参与回答 884 人浏览


Dan老师 咨询老师


4月10号的雅思考试机经来了!这一次的雅思听力不太符合常规:Part 1包括选择题,但总的来说难度还可以。还有一部分反映阅读有点难。今天张老师整理了部分雅思考试机经来分享给大家,块来看看有没有眼熟的题目吧~
Part 1 房屋维修
1. Sarah is sharing the flat with her cousin
2. first she must contact landlord’s service manager for all the repair
3. repair fee: it may cost her 50 pounds
4. Sarah can contact private company for emergency repair much quicker
5. Sarah can be contacted by mobile phone
6. She needs to sign the agreement after all the repair
7-10 单选
7. What is the problem with the bathroom window?
B. the lock needs to be checked
8. when the electricity can be repaired?
A. examine the electricity first
9. Central heating system? Or what can be done to the lighting system
A. check
10. what was the additional broken in the main hall
C. Carpet
Part 2 昆士兰的旅游介绍
11-16) Multiple Choices
11 Why did Jane choose Tuesday's exhibition
A not many people in Tuesday
B offer free entertainment entry,but crowded
C Special Class
12 when is the educational entertainment performance held?
A on Weekends
B only on every evening
C on every afternoon
13 历史爱好者可以去哪
A Famous garden
B architecture
C Location of an old city hall building
D a detective
14 the distinctive feature for the(cuisine festivals)Tent of big barbecue as unusual Different from last year
A wide range lot of activities,every year You can′t miss it
B great musicians A popular singer,
C international cooks a local cook
15 why people choose buying ticket in the library
A cheaper one with discount
B receive a lovely book in advance booking
C more convenient than in city
16 the interesting part of the exhibit, they offer:
A How Locomotive Engines works
B people can have dinner inside the old train cabinet
C Famous international Chef invited local cooks D dress old uniform costume
17-18) what are included in the fancily ticket
A toy
B educational book for children
C fee meal on the train
D guided tour to ****museum
E flag
19-20) What's the Citizens',vote to the most favorite Event in the festival 
A unlimited/regardless of the voting ages
B vote by email
C only local people can vote
D one person can vote several times
E voting ends at the midnight of Saturday.
Passage 1 自助超市
1.Clarence Saunders new idea(C S新思想)∶配C段一-
2.problems arising(问题出现)∶配E段-段落末尾有labor is a major expense
3.layout of Clarence Saunders' stores(超市布局)∶配C段
4.….before Clarence Saunders' stores opened (超市开始营业前)∶配A段
5.examples of how Clarence Saunders sold items(售卖商品例子)∶ 配D段
6.CS的第一份工作+was in a general store
7.在CS的设计中+much work was done by customers
8.在CS的超市中,people pay goods at a lobby 
9.behind the public area was called the stockroom
10.At gallery where customers were under surveilance 
11.为什么CS要推动杂货店创新∶选he think this can satisfy customers easier 
12.第1家Wiggly Piggly store∶ 选updated after 12 months
13.今天关于CS主要事情有∶选his name was usually connected with his famous shop
Passage 2 水母泛滥原因及影响
Passage 3 人类进化
大作文:Many people believe that bicycle is a healthy and environmentally friendly mode of transport. However, it is no longer the main form of transport. What are the reasons? What could be done to encourage the use of bicycles among the wider population.

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